Niall McShannon
Andy Aird
Gordon McHugh
Lee Johnstone
Martin McManus
Role of the Board of Directors
The role of the Board of Directors is to manage the business of Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire at a strategic level including:
- To be an active member of the board, helping to give the organisation strategic direction
- To actively contribute at board meetings and help to monitor the implementation of decisions taken at meetings
- Contribute to the setting of policy, objectives and adherence to, thereafter
- Ensure the financial stability of the organisation and ensure sound management
- To appoint independent auditors and approve audited accounts
- Ensue the organisation complies with its governing documentation, charity law and other relevant regulations
- Ensure compliance with OSCR and charity law, ensuring annual returns and accounts are submitted in a timely manner
- To act with integrity, and avoid any personal conflicts of interest or misuse of charity funds or assets
- To manage, safeguard and protect the assets and resources of VASLan and ensure they are used only for the purposes set out in the Articles of Association
- To manage and safeguard the reputation of VASLan and oversee external and stakeholder relations
- From time to time undertake representation tasks by agreement with the Chief Executive
- To develop and approve VASLan’s vision, mission and values
- To raise the public profile and reputation of VASLan
- To review and agree any major changes to VASLan
- To agree alternative action to remedy shortfalls in performance
- To exercise reasonable care and skills as Trustees using personal knowledge and experience to ensure that VASLan is run effectively and efficiently
Board Members may not disclose any information to any unauthorised person, either during their term on the Board or after its termination. Any information about the interest or business of VASLan or associated companies. Upon termination all files, documents, digitally held material and other papers concerning said interest or business must be returned to the organisation without duplication.
The interests of VASLan include all work with the organisation’s users and volunteers. Breach of this duty on confidentiality will be treated as gross misconduct which will be dealt with, as outlined in the Disciplinary and Related Procedures of the Organisation, and may lead to dismissal.
This code applies to all those employed by VASLan whether on a waged or voluntary basis.
Time Commitment
The Board meets approximately 8 times per year normally from 10 am until 12.30 on the first Friday of the month. There will, from time to time, be the opportunity for Trustees to join sub groups, such as HR & Staffing; Finance; Marketing etc., which meet outwith the main Board Meeting on a monthly basis. Trustees are also expected to attend the AGM which is normally held in October/November.
Communications between meetings usually takes place by email or occasional phone call.
Trustees are asked for a commitment of at least one year, starting after a three-month induction. Board Members are formally appointed at the AGM for a period of three years, which may be extended for an additional three years. (See Articles of Association for further details).
Board Members are not paid for their duties, however, the cost of travel to and from meetings and events can be reimbursed.
Recruitment Process
It is the responsibility of the Board Trustees to appoint new members. We do this by advertising openly. We then draw up a shortlist of potential members from the applications received and a panel of existing members will conduct a semi-formal interview. Decisions will be made on new Trustee’s depending on applicants skills and experience.
The Board normally appoints its new members at the AGM in October/November, however, individuals may be co-opted to the Board at any time.
If you are interested in becoming a VASLan Board Trustee, please email for more details.