Community Links

Community Links (South Lanarkshire) is an independent Community Anchor organisation, established in 2002, with a proven track record and passion for working with, encouraging, and supporting communities to co-produce sustainable and meaningful involvement, participation, and community-owned change.

As part of their endeavours to mitigate the effects of the COVID pandemic in their communities, they have set up two Community Networks to bring together agencies and groups providing various COVID-19 responses in Hamilton and Blantyre. We have also been involved in the creation of a similar Network in Larkhall.

Through Scottish Government’s Supporting Communities Fund – via National Lottery Community Fund – they were able to allocate £17k to members of the new Community Networks through their CL Contingency Fund.

Highlights from their Network partners include: Hamilton District Foodbank extending their services to provide essential household items including bedding, kettles, toasters, and cutlery; The Haven’s development of Wellbeing Toolkits to enhance their programme of care; Terminal One’s Fun in the Sun programme encouraging young people to be physically active in a safe environment; and Hillhouse Harvest Church’s Monday Club and their provision of electronic devices to allow young people to study and communicate with friends online.

Additionally, their SELECT Project – which previously offered one-to-one support in drop-in digital hubs – has transformed its service to offer remote-access appointments to jobseekers, ensuring that our clients are still able to complete the online requirements of their job searches, applications, and Universal Credit journals.

Community Links IT Officer, has also provided technical support to third-sector organisations across Scotland in hosting virtual meetings, training, events, summits, and AGMs, ensuring that end-users and partners still have access to service providers despite restrictions.

Project Manager, Morag Pinion, commented, “Like most third-sector organisations, this year has seen huge changes in the way Community Links operates. One of the biggest positives through the COVID pandemic has been the immediate and effective community response, with people coming together in unprecedented numbers to support their neighbours and wider communities when they needed it most. Our inspiration comes from these local heroes as Community Links strives to be as innovative, committed, and resilient as the communities we proudly serve.”

For more information, or to get in touch please call: (01698) 827583, email:, visit: or follow them on Facebook: