MacMillan in Lanarkshire

Macmillan in Lanarkshire has a network of cancer information and support hubs in a variety of community venues throughout the area. While hospitals deal with the physicality of cancer, the Macmillan services offer a holistic approach to identifying concerns to offer appropriate interventions in a relaxed, non-clinical environment.


The project was forced to stop the in-person support it offered across our communities in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.


However, thanks to the hard work of its staff and partners, South Lanarkshire Leisure & Culture’s Macmillan project are offering emotional, financial and practical online and over the phone. As well as cancer packs providing information cancer services that people affected by cancer their friends & families might find useful at a time that’s best for them.


Craig Tobin, who manages Macmillan’s projects in Lanarkshire, said: “Cancer is very tough at the best of times, but right now people are trying to cope with the illness during a time of great uncertainty, often without being able to see their friends and family for comfort.


“It’s heart-breaking to think of people trying to cope with the worry cancer brings while self-isolating, possibly entirely on their own.


“We want them to know that although we can’t see them in-person yet we’re still here to support them. All the emotional, practical and financial support we offered before is still here, it’s just on the end of the phone or online.”


All the services for South Lanarkshire can be reached by calling 01698 332 607 (9am – 5pm) or email:     


Cancer information packs can be ordered here: