TSCOG - South Lanarkshire's Leadership Network


The Third Sector Chief Officers’ Group (TSCOG) is a sector-led membership body, which brings together lead officers from across South Lanarkshire’s charitable, voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to inform, inspire and influence. Founded in 2016 during a period of significant challenge, the group brings together a wealth of combined knowledge, skill, experience and passion for local, community-led solutions, working in close partnership with VASLan and with the four Locality Networks.

The group’s vision is that of a well-connected, efficient, well-funded and high performing Third Sector across South Lanarkshire, which is delivering services at scale and thereby having a positive, sustainable, long-term impact across South Lanarkshire’s communities.

The work of the TSCOG is values-led and underpinned by the principles of ‘Partnership’ and ‘Accountability’. Peer support lies at the heart of the group, and members are committed to supporting one another. All members are busy third sector leaders, yet all recognise that investing their time and expertise return a greater influence and impact for their own organisations, and across the sector.

As a grouping of community-led Third Sector organisations the TSCOG aims to build stronger strategic relationships through mutual support, sharing of knowledge and expertise, and to provide an effective, collective voice for the sector, supporting engagement in policy development at a strategic level.

Key priorities

  1. Strategic Engagement
  2. Being Collaborative
  3. Income and Strategic Commissioning


Membership is open to chief officers of Third Sector organisations based and /or working within South Lanarkshire who are also members of VASLan. The applicant should be the main decision-maker and lead officer for the charity, social enterprise or voluntary sector group which they represent. Their title may or may not be that of ‘Chief Officer’. Meetings are monthly and held in person, with online options to promote engagement and inclusion. Other senior leaders from member organisations are invited to attend TSCOG ‘Task and Finish’ Working Groups which are established to progress specific pieces of work in line with work plan priorities and in response to collaborative opportunities as they arise. 

Benefits of membership include:

  • Community of peers
  • Informal mentoring
  • Partnerships
  • Consortia opportunities
  • Representing & influencing
  • Campaigning


To foster strong working relationships, maximise effectiveness, and ensure progress, members are expected to attend regularly and to actively participate in the work of the group. Meetings are usually held monthly. For the purposes of focused, time-bound projects, short-term ‘task and finish’ working groups are also established and clear ‘Call to Participate’ processes guide this engagement. In order to build and maintain a strong, trusting team, all members should adhere to the principles and values of the TSCOG and to the membership requirements. For more information, please click here to read the group’s Terms of Reference.

A Development Lead provides capacity support to the TSCOG, in line with the 2024 Work Plan. They can be contacted by emailing cog@vaslan.org.uk or calling the office on 01698 300390.

New members are welcome.

To apply for membership, click on this link: https://vaslan.tfaforms.net/5111246