Volunteers at the Larkhall Community Growers Hosts a Jubilee Afternoon Tea

On Saturday, 4th of June, Larkhall Community Growers host the Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea. Volunteers welcomed visitors at the Hareleeshill Community Garden in Larkhall.

The weather was lovely, and the sun was generous. At the heart of the community garden, over 70 visitors were gathered. There were teas, coffees and cakes on offer, and the children were enjoying the Craft in the Wildlife Garden to keep them amused.

A group of people at an outdoor market

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The team of volunteers have put together a day with something for everyone where people were gathered and had an amazing day.

During the event, they announce the winner of the "Garden in a Box" competition. It is a contest for schools and nurseries within Larkhall to get children interested in gardening and use their creativity to create a mini box garden.

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Jean Grenfell, Children's Development Worker said, "The theme for the garden creation is the Platinum Jubilee as it is in line with the celebration itself. Everyone will be able to see all the boxes and it could be the new addition to the garden as well."

The judging of all the entries was done on Wednesday, June 1st, by Councillor Richard Nelson and Nancy Barr, the Board members of Larkhall Community Growers. Larkhall and Stonehouse Childminders have been crowned the winner of the "Garden in a Box" competition. Well done to all the entrants!

Congratulations to all the team and volunteers on a job well done.

A group of people at an outdoor market

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