Employment Programme in South Lanarkshire to Support People with Barriers to Work

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) together with South Lanarkshire Council, are pleased to announce the employability programme, to create local paid work experience across South Lanarkshire.

They are looking for opportunities across a wide range of sectors, with a particular interest in the following areas:

  • Health and Social Care
  • Early Learning and Childcare
  • Green/Net Zero
  • Renewables
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Environment and Land Management
  • Digital, Recycling and Waste Management

Funding for each opportunity come from the following programmes:

Long Term Unemployed Job Creation Programme (LTU)

Funding of up to £10,000 is available to create a 30 hour per week work experience opportunity, paying the Real Living Wage for a duration of 26 weeks. Each opportunity will be created for an unemployed person, aged 25 and over who experiences barriers to work, has been out of work for 12 months or more, and is currently not engaged in training or education and.

Young Person's Guarantee funding

Funding of up to £6,000 is available to create a 25 hour per week work experience opportunity which pays at least £6.83 per hour for a duration of 26 weeks. Each opportunity will recruit an unemployed young person, aged 16 to 24 years with barriers to work.

If you are interested to apply to create work experience opportunities, please complete the registration form below:


For any enquiries that you may have, please contact francis.harkin@scvo.scot or call 0141 7393870.

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