Larkhall Community Response

The community response in Larkhall has been incredible since the outbreak of COVID-19. Larkhall Community Growers (LCG), Larkhall District Volunteer Group (LDVG), Community Links, Larkhall Taxi Owners Association, Machan Trust and SLC Community Engagement Team pulled together to help the community of Larkhall!

LDVG have been managing a wellbeing line where those who are vulnerable can receive a daily phone call, which vital for those who living at home alone!

Volunteers have been out delivering food packs and 539 children and adult activity packs have been delivered to-date during lockdown, this is providing people with something to keep them entertained whilst at home. As well as assistance packs to schools which provides vulnerable families with food and clothing vouchers.

They have also formed ‘The COVID-19 Rainbows’ Facebook group which is a hub of information for the whole community. People can share information and positive news to help boost morale! There are lots of activities such as free meals for key workers, cinema packs with popcorn and movies, children’s competitions and “Adopt a Neighbour or Street” to help those who may not have access to the internet to benefit from all that Rainbows have to offer.!

It has been difficult for children to understand what is going on in the world around them. Jean Grenfell, created the Rainbow Snakes and Ladder which educates children on COVID-19 whilst they play the game. This has helped children throughout the community!

Larkhall Community Growers are looking to open up their community garden soon, allowing families to book a slot where children can come explore an exciting new place, get outside and give parents a chance to breathe!

As we progress through this uncertain time this incredible community is looking forward to see how they can plan for the future to keep this outstanding level of community spirit alive!