Waist Not Want Not

Waist Not Want Not have been continuing their referrals throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and providing vital donations of clothing to those who are vulnerable!

They quickly adapted to the circumstances by supporting their peer group members online through messenger, this allows members to share resources, ask advice etc. They have also been hosting a weekly zoom call where people can partake in quizzes, challenges, meditation sessions but also just a general catch up!

Waist Not Want Not have been amazed seeing group members become friends and help each other out throughout this difficult time. They have created vision boards and motivation jars that people can fill with things that they have missed during lockdown and can look forward too!

Along with all this incredible work they have been delivering afternoon tea, easter eggs, time capsule activity packs for children and colouring in for adults!

Their work has been an incredible way to support mental health and wellbeing!

Head to their facebook page to see what they have been up to: